I'm a creative director, writer, and affable human being.
I like people and honesty and people who like being good at both of those things.
I've worked at a bunch of places in a bunch of cities with a bunch of talented people who have made me better.
I've led teams of writers, art directors, and designers and like shaping work as much as making it — possibly more.
I'm currently a freelance creative director + writer based in the arguably spectacular city of Winston-Salem, NC.
My parents are still trying to figure out what the hell I actually do for a living, but I tell them they can look at the One Show, The ANDYs, Cannes, The Clios, Communication Arts, Lurzer’s Archive, Adweek “Best Spots,” Print, Effies, Seattle Show, San Francisco Show, Richmond Show, The Addys and The Shorty Awards to see my stuff.
I have too many sneakers, a borderline unhealthy obsession with RC planes, and my wife and kids think I'm still a kid.
**NOTE: For those of you who think two things are better and shinier than one thing, I often partner up with Rob McKinnie where creative world domination tends to happen naturally and swiftly.

*me at the Tate Modern looking moderately modern.