The country was in full lockdown mode, toilet paper was more sought after than bars of gold, and truckers were single-handedly keeping the country moving. As one would expect, the social world just wanted to #thankatrucker. But, to RedKap — makers of workwear for our essential workers and beyond — that didn't feel like quite enough. So, we buttermik-pancaked them instead. Partnering with Cracker Barrel, we fired up the griddles and invited truckers to swing by any of their 600+ locations to have a free meal, fueled by fans of truckers from sea to shining sea. And within days, full hearts delivered on full stomachs.
AD: Jordan Rich
AD: Jordan Rich

Trucker-lovin' citizens added to the tab and watched the plate magically fill with mouthwatering country cooking deliciousness. Over the course of the open tab, we raised over $50,000. That's a lot of eggs. And pancakes. And bacon. And general greasy goodness.

Hungry drivers simply just had to enter their info and were sent their goods faster than you say, "I'll have the Grandma's Sampler, please."